The spontaneous solid-state stacking process (SSSP) of Baijiu is an environmentally friendly and cost-effective process for enriching and assembling environmental microorganisms to guarantee the subsequent fermentation efficiency. In this study, how SSSP create spatial heterogeneity of stacking piles were found through spatiotemporal sampling. The degree of difficulty in oxygen exchange categorizes the stacking pile into depleted (≤4%), transitional (4 %–17 %), and enriched (≥17 %) oxygen-defined layers. This results in variation in succession rates (Vdepleted > Vtransitional > Venriched), which accelerates spatial heterogeneity during SSSP. As a dominant species (65 %–99 %) in depleted and transitional layers, Acetilactobacillus jinshanensis can rapidly reduce oxygen disturbance by upregulating poxL and catE, that sustains spatial heterogeneity. The findings demonstrated the value of oxygen control in shaping spatial heterogeneity during SSSP processes, which can create specific functional microbiome. Adding spatial heterogeneity management will help achieve more precise control of such solid-state fermentation systems.