Meningiomas are non-glial tumors that are the most common primary brain tumors in adults. Although meningioma can possibly be cured with surgical excision, variations in atypical/anaplastic meningioma have a high recurrence rate and a poor prognosis. As a result, it is critical to develop novel therapeutic options for high-grade meningiomas. This review highlights the current histology of meningiomas, prevalent genetic and molecular changes, and the most extensively researched signaling pathways and therapies in meningiomas. It also reviews current clinical studies and novel meningioma treatments, including immunotherapy, microRNAs, cancer stem cell methods, and targeted interventions within the glycolysis pathway. Through the examination of the complex landscape of meningioma biology and the highlighting of promising therapeutic pathways, this review opens the way for future research efforts aimed at improving patient outcomes in this prevalent intracranial tumor entity.