OBJECTIVE The anatomy and function of the brainstem have fascinated scientists for centuries; however, the brainstem remains one of the least studied regions of the human brain. As the authors delved into studying this structure, they observed a growing tendency to forget or neglect previously identified structures. The aim of this study was to describe two such structures: the transverse peduncular tract, also known as the Gudden tract, and the taenia pontis. The authors analyzed the potential effects of neglecting these structures during brainstem surgery and the implications for clinical practice. METHODS After removal of the arachnoid and vascular structures, 20 human brainstem specimens were frozen and stored at −16°C for 2 weeks, according to the method described by Klingler. The specimens were then thawed and dissected with microsurgical techniques. The results of microsurgical fiber dissection at each step were photographed. RESULTS This study revealed two previously neglected or forgotten structures within the brainstem. The first is the transverse peduncular tract of Gudden, which arises from the brachium of the superior colliculus. This tract follows an arcuate course along the lateral and ventral surfaces of the midbrain, perpendicular to the cerebral peduncle, and terminates in the nuclei of the transverse peduncular tract within the interpeduncular fossa. The second structure is the taenia pontis, which originates contralaterally in the interpeduncular fossa. It becomes visible at the level of the pontomesencephalic sulcus and extends to the base of the lateral mesencephalic sulcus, where it divides into several thin bundles. Along the interpeduncular sulcus, between the superior and middle cerebellar peduncles, it reaches the parabrachial recess and enters the cerebellum. CONCLUSIONS Recently, with increasing understanding and expertise in brainstem research, surgical approaches to this area have become more common, emphasizing the importance of a detailed knowledge of the brainstem. The two structures mentioned in this paper are described in history books and were widely studied in the 19th century but have not been mentioned in modern literature. The authors propose that a deeper understanding of these structures may prove valuable in neurosurgical practice and help reduce patient comorbidity.