Development of load-bearing fiber reinforced plastic (hereinafter referred to as FRP) composite structures in civil engineering, exploited under high temperatures, such as industrial chimneys and gas ducts, requires the knowledge of their long-term behavior under constant and cyclic mechanical and temperature loads. Such conditions mean that the viscoelasticity of FRP should be considered along with the thermal aging effect. This research is devoted to the effects of thermal aging on the viscoelastic behavior of polymers. Two sets of experiments were conducted: creep tensile tests and cyclic heating in a constrained state. The Kelvin-Voigt viscoelasticity model was used to determine the rheological parameters of binder from experimental creep curves. Cyclic heating was used to compare the behavior of normal and thermally aged binders and to evaluate the possibility of temperature stress accumulation. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy was used for polymer's structural changes investigation. Both tests showed that non-aged glassed polymer (hereinafter referred to as GP) was prone to viscoelastic behavior, while the thermally aged GP lost viscosity and worked almost perfectly elastic. It was assumed that long heat treatment had caused changes in the inner structure of the GP, reducing the number of weak bonds and increasing the number of elastic ones. Therefore, the results show that the designing of FRP structures, exploited under thermomechanical load, requires using the elastic model while taking into account the properties of FRP after long-term heat treatment.