Solar-driven interfacial evaporation (SDIE) stands out as a prospective technology for freshwater production, playing a significant role in mitigating global water scarcity. Herein, a cyclodextrin polymer/chitosan composite aerogel (PPy-La/Al@CDP-CS) with vertically aligned channels was prepared as a solar evaporator for efficient solar steam generation. The vertically aligned pore structure, achieved through directional freezing assisted by liquid nitrogen, not only improves water transport during evaporation but also enhances light absorption through multiple reflections of sunlight within the pores. The polypyrrole particles sprayed on the surface of the aerogel acted as a light-absorbing layer, resulting in an impressive absorbance of 98.15 % under wetting conditions. The aerogel has an evaporation rate of 1.85 kg m−2 h−1 under 1 kW m−2 irradiation. Notably, the vertical pore structure of the aerogel allows it to exhibit excellent evaporation performance and salt resistance even in highly concentrated salt solutions. Furthermore, this aerogel is an excellent solar-driven interfacial evaporator for purifying seawater and fluoride-containing wastewater. This photothermal aerogel has the advantages of excellent performance, low cost, and environmental friendliness, and thus this work provides a new approach to the design and fabrication of solar photothermal materials for water treatment.