Meticulous antimicrobial management is essential among critically ill patients with acute kidney injury, particularly if renal replacement therapy is needed. Many factors affect drug removal in patients undergoing continuous renal replacement therapy CRRT. In this study, we aimed to compare current databases that are frequently used to adjust CRRT dosages of antimicrobial drugs with the gold standard. The dosage recommendations from various databases for antimicrobial drugs eliminated by CRRT were investigated. The book 'Renal Pharmacotherapy: Dosage Adjustment of Medications Eliminated by the Kidneys' was chosen as the gold standard. There were variations in the databases. Micromedex, UpToDate, and Sanford had similar rates to the gold standard of 45%, 35%, and 30%, respectively. The Micromedex database shows the most similar results to the gold standard source. In addition, a consensus was reached as a result of the expert panel meetings established to discuss the different antimicrobial dose recommendations of the databases.