The ongoing growth of the Internet of Things and machine learning technology have provided increased motivation for the development of smart healthcare. In this study, a disease diagnosis system is proposed for remote identification and early prediction in smart healthcare environments. The originality of this study resides in the innovative implementation of ensuing modules to improve diagnostic accuracy of the system. First, fuzzy clustering based on the forest optimization algorithm is employed to detect outliers and a self-organizing fuzzy logic classifier is applied to supplement missing data in electronic medical records (EMRs). A feature selection technique using the battle royale optimization algorithm is then developed to remove redundant information and identify optimal EMR features. The refined and fused data are further classified using an eigenvalue-based machine learning algorithm to determine whether a patient exhibits a certain disease. Simulation experiments are conducted with widely used heart disease and diabetes datasets to evaluate the performance of the proposed system, using accuracy, precision, recall, and F-measure as evaluation metrics.