(Molecular Plant 13, 515–531; March 2020) After publication of our original manuscript, we became aware of errors in Figure 4. During the preparation of Figure 4C in this article as originally published, we inadvertently duplicated the image of hda9-1 (MS-N) as that of the hda9-1-C (MS+N). Also, in Figure 4H, the image of pUBQ10:GFP-ATG8a / hda9-1 (MS+L) was mistakenly a duplicate of pUBQ10:GFP-ATG8a / WT (MS+L) shown in Figure S7C. A corrected version of Figure 4 is shown below. The scientific conclusions of this article have not been affected by this correction. The authors apologize for not detecting this error prior to publication and for any inconvenience that may have been caused. Figure 4. HDA9 Interacts with HY5 to Regulate Autophagy HY5-HDA9 Module Transcriptionally Regulates Plant Autophagy in Response to Light-to-Dark Conversion and Nitrogen StarvationYang et al.Molecular PlantFebruary 18, 2020In BriefThis study reveals a new branch of ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL 5 (HY5) function in bridging the gap between light signaling and the autophagy pathway. HY5, a key component of light signaling, interacts with and recruits HISTONE DEACETYLASE 9 (HDA9) to ATG5 and ATG8e loci to regulate their expression, thereby modulating plant autophagy in response to light-to-dark shift and nitrogen starvation. Full-Text PDF Open Archive