The co-gasification of sludge and coal is a promising way to regulate coal ash fusion characteristics and recover energy from sludge simultaneously. In this paper, the ash fusion behaviors of high ash-fusion-temperature (AFT) Datong coal, textile dyeing sludge (TDS), their mixtures, and the corresponding AFT modification mechanisms on laboratory scale were investigated by an AFT tester, X-ray diffractometer, Raman spectrometer, and FactSage software. The AFTs of Datong coal mixtures decreased slowly when TDS share was in the range of 0–6%, quickly (6–9%), and then nearly stable (>9%) because of its corresponding increasing basic oxide values (the total content of SO3, CaO, MgO, Fe2O3, Na2O, and K2O). The generations of low melting-point minerals of hercynite and anorthite with TDS additions resulted in the AFT decrease. The decreasing intensity of Si–O–Si peak and the increasing ratio bond of bridging oxygen and non-bridging oxygen led to the AFT decrease. Both the decreases in the temperature at which all minerals change into liquid-phase and the continuously increasing liquid-phase content (at the same relative high temperature) in Datong coal mixed ashes with increasing TDS mass ratio were contributed to the variations of AFT. The viscosity-temperature characteristics variation was also predicted using FactSage calculation. The 9.0–12.0% mass ratio of TDS might be suitable for Datong coal entrained-flow bed gasification.