A preservação do patrimônio ferroviário através da revitalização para o uso turístico: um estudo das estações ferroviárias de Canela e Passo Fundo, Brasil
The general objective of this study is to analyse how the revitalisation of Canela and Passo Fundo railway stations and their use by tourists contribute to the preservation of railway memory and railway heritage. Specifically, it intends to identify what configures stations as heritage; to understand the role of tourism in the use and preservation of revitalised spaces and to understand how revitalisation contributes to the maintenance of railway memory. Using a comparative‑descriptive method, the study analyses the two stations from three analytical perspectives: the attribution of use and utilisation of spaces, legibility and railway memory. The revitalisation thanks to tourism provided a greater use of spaces, with increased traf‑ fic and flows. Tourism does not invalidate the heritage character of the stations, but rather reinforces it by allowing people to have contact with these places through public use.