Objectives With the introduction of more flexible and thinner electrodes, such as Cochlear’s Slim Modiolar Electrode, there is a higher risk of electrode insertion problems, in particular the tip foldover. Timely intraoperative detection of the problem would allow for direct intraoperative correction. This paper describes a non-radiological method for intraoperative tip foldover detection that is applicable in all surgical centers and can quickly deliver accurate results.Methods Postoperative radiographs of 118 CI-recipients implanted with Nucleus devices were retrospectively analyzed on the presence of a tip foldover. Electrode Voltage Telemetry (EVT), also called Electric Field Imaging, was performed by means of Cochlear’s EVT software tool, which is now integrated into Custom Sound–EP as the Trans-Impedance-Matrix measurement option. Tip foldover detection was automated by using the linear Hough transform for extracting straight-line patterns in the Trans-Impedance Matrix’s heatmap.Results The six cases of electrode tip foldover were accurately identified by the EVT measurements, including two cases with folding location very close to the electrode tip (contact 20).Conclusion Electrode Voltage Telemetry measures the Trans-Impedance Matrix, which can accurately detect tip foldovers of the cochlear implant electrodes within 1 min. This method can be reliably applied in all patients with normal cochlear anatomy and is able to intraoperatively detect foldovers localized even very close to the electrode tip. Application of the linear Hough transform allows for automatic detection of electrode tip foldovers that shows excellent agreement with visual evaluation of the radiological images and the transimpedance matrix’s heatmap.