Magnetic mesoporous silica (MS) nanocomposites provide the possibility of generating multi-functional objects for application in different technological areas. This paper focuses on the magnetic properties of nanocomposites constituted by spinel iron oxide nanoparticles (magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs), < D > ≈ 8-9 nm) embedded in an MS matrix. The mesoporous structure of the silica matrix and the presence of the nanoparticles inside clearly emerge from transmission electron microscopy (TEM) measurements. Low temperature (5 K) field-dependent magnetization measurements reveal saturation magnetization (MS ) close to bulk value (M S bulk ∼ 90 emu g-1) for both MNPs and MNP/MS nanocomposites, indicating that the presence of silica does not affect the magnetic features of the single MNPs. Moreover, the dependence of the remanent magnetization on field (i.e. δM plots) at low temperature has shown a small but evident decrease of interaction in an MNP/MS sample with respect to MNP samples A m2 Kg-1. Finally, a partial orientation of the easy axis is observed when the MNPs are embedded in the silica matrix.