Three-dimensional (3D) convolutional neural networks (CNNs) can process volumetric medical imaging data in their native volumetric input form. However, there is little information about the comparative performance of such models in medical imaging in general and in CT colonography (CTC) in particular. We compared the performance of a 3D densely connected CNN (3D-DenseNet) with those of the popular 3D residual CNN (3D-ResNet) and 3D Visual Geometry Group CNN (3D-VGG) in the reduction of false-positive detections (FPs) in computer-aided detection (CADe) of polyps in CTC. VGG is the earliest CNN design of these three models. ResNet has been used widely as a de-facto standard model for constructing deep CNNs for image classification in medical imaging. DenseNet is the most recent of these models and improves the flow of information and reduces the number of network parameters as compared to those of ResNet and VGG. For the evaluation, we used 403 CTC datasets from 203 patients. The classification performance of the CNNs was evaluated by use of 5-fold cross-validation, where the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) was used as the figure of merit. Each training fold was balanced by use of data augmentation of the samples of real polyps. Our preliminary results showed that the AUC value of the 3D-DenseNet (0.951) was statistically significantly higher than those of the reference models (P < 0.005), indicating that the 3D-DenseNet has the potential of substantially outperforming the other models in reducing FPs in CADe for CTC. This improvement was highest for the smallest polyps.