There are many factors that may affect the microenvironment of acute and chronic wounds. This article reviews the relationship between temperature factor in the external microenvironment of wound surface and wound healing. The temperature changes in different types and stages of wounds are closely related to the wound healing status. Therefore, wound temperature monitoring provides timely, reliable, and non-invasive method in the evaluation of wound status. As low temperature affects the physiological state of wound, relieving the low temperature state and maintaining normal temperature of the microenvironment of wound can promote wound healing. Further research is needed on the wound repair related effector cell proliferation and the mechanism of regulatory function to determine the optimal constant temperature and heat treatment duration needed for wound healing.急、慢性创面微环境影响因素众多,本文综述了创面外部微环境中的温度因素与创面愈合之间的关系。不同类型创面和创面不同阶段的温度变化与创面愈合状态存在密切关系,因此创面温度的监测为评估创面状态提供了及时、无创、可靠的方法。创面低温状态影响创面生理的变化,缓解创面低温状态和保持创面微环境的正常温度可以促进创面愈合。但创面微环境所需的最佳恒定温度和加热治疗时间还有待验证,需进一步研究明确温度对于创面修复相关效应细胞增殖及功能的调节作用机制。.