During moderate and high levels of quadriceps force production, the ipsilateral motor cortex is concomitantly activated with the contralateral motor cortex throughout the corpus callosum to generate the motor command. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients display a structurally impaired corpus callosum that may explain the reduced motor command in this population, which in turn contributes to COPD-related muscle weakness of the knee extensors. The study aimed to determine whether bilateral connectivity was impaired and ipsilateral activation was lowered during unilateral strength production of the knee extensors. Our results indicate impaired bilateral connectivity but preserved ipsilateral activation in patients during unilateral isometric contractions of 50% of maximum voluntary strength. The preservation of ipsilateral activation during force production despite impaired bilateral connectivity is consistent with a reorganization of bilateral motor network function that drives unilateral strength production.The contralateral primary motor cortex (M1) is not the only brain area implicated in motor command generation. During moderate and high levels of quadriceps force production, the ipsilateral M1 is concomitantly activated. Such activation is mediated by the corpus callosum, the main component of bilateral connectivity. Structural damage to the corpus callosum has been observed in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients, which might reduce ipsilateral activation and contribute to the lower motor command associated with COPD muscle weakness. We thus aimed to determine whether bilateral connectivity and ipsilateral activation were impaired in COPD. Twenty-two COPD patients and 21 healthy age-matched controls were evaluated by transcranial magnetic stimulation, at rest and during 50% of maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) of the dominant vastus lateralis muscle. Bilateral connectivity was determined by the ipsilateral silent period (iSP) during 50% MVIC. Ipsilateral activation was determined as the increase in ipsilateral excitability from rest to 50% MVIC. As expected, COPD patients had significantly lower MVIC (-25%, p = 0.03). These patients also showed a significantly lower iSP (-53%, p < 0.001) compared to controls. The ipsilateral excitability was increased in patients and controls (×2.5 and ×3.5, respectively, p < 0.001) but not differently between groups (p = 0.84). Despite impaired bilateral connectivity in COPD, ipsilateral activation was not increased. Reorganization in the patients' interhemispheric pathways could explain the preserved ipsilateral activation.