Charles J. Deutsch,Delma Nataly Castelblanco‐Martínez,Christophe Cleguer,Rachel Groom
The coastal marine and inland freshwater environments inhabited by manateesManatee and dugongsDugong (Dugong dugon) around the world are spatially heterogeneous and highly dynamic over a range of time scales, often aligned with predictable geophysical cyclesSeason/ seasonal cycles/variation (tidal, dielDiel,, seasonal). Central to sirenian adaptations for meeting these varied ecological challenges is plasticity in their movement behaviorMovement behavior, which allows them to find and utilize resources that are key to their survival and reproductionReproduction, to escape risks posed by predatorsPredator and humans, and to leave habitatsHabitats, that become inhospitable. The development and deployment of animal-borne GPS tagsGPS Tag have tremendously advanced our knowledge in the domain of small spatio-temporal scales by providing highly accurate locations many times per day. The recent addition of multi-sensor biologgers is further deepening our understanding of the connections between fine-scale behavioral changes and environmental features experienced by the animal. Individual sirenians generally show strong site fidelitySite Fidelity within a season to one or a small number of high-use core areasCore area (core use area) within their home range. ManateesManatee and dugongsDugong (Dugong dugon) usually move at a leisurely pace within and between habitatsHabitats, that provide forageForage, shelter, thermalThermal refugeRefuge (sanctuary), and (for coastal manateesManatee) fresh water. As marathon swimmers, sirenians can sustain a cruising speed of ~2 to 4 km/h for lengthy periods, but when threatened, they can briefly sprint at speeds up to 30 km/h. A common theme across species, ecosystems,Ecosystem and spatio-temporal scales is that access to forageForage is often constrained due to environmental fluctuations, including tidal cyclesSeason/ seasonal cycles/variation in coastal systems, seasonalSeason/ seasonal water levels water levelWater level cycles in floodFlood-pulse river systems, and seasonal temperatureSeason/ seasonal temperature changes in higher-latitude regions. Sirenians negotiate trade-offs among key activitiesActivity within these fluctuating environments while apparently minimizing exposure to predators and other threats through their movement behaviorMovement behavior. There is an increasing body of evidence suggesting that many sirenian populations predominantly forageForage at night, plausibly as an adaptation to reduce risk of falling victim to hunters or, possibly, boat strikes. Sexual selection has also shaped the behavioral ecology of sirenian movements, as mature malesMales are frequently on the move in search of estrous females during the breeding seasonSeason/ seasonal breeding. Mating and parturitionParturition (Birth) can alter female movements and habitatHabitats, selection for brief periods, but otherwise reproductive status does not appear to strongly affect female movement behaviorMovement behavior over large or small scales. Further research is warranted on most sirenian populations to confirm these conclusions. Continued technological and analytical advancements promise to reveal more secrets of these fascinating and cryptic creatures.