A robust self-healable superhydrophobic fabric is fabricated via in situ diazonium radical polymerization. By employing diazonium salts, Cu powder, and ascorbic acid, the hierarchical NO2phene-Cu2O/Cu7Cl4(OH)10H2O, CF3phene-Cu2O/Cu7Cl4(OH)10H2O, and DCF3phene-Cu2O/Cu7Cl4(OH)10H2O micro/nanostructures with different morphologies—nano spindles, nano rods, and nano particles—are constructed on the surface of cotton fabric with the driving force of π-π stacking and hydrophilic/hydrophobic interactions under ambient conditions. Owing to the strong covalent bond, π-π stacking, and hydrophobic interaction, the CF3phene-Cu2O/Cu7Cl4(OH)10H2[email protected] fabric (CF3Ph-Cux[email protected]) surface could maintain the superhydrophobicity even after 20 cycles of laundering and 1500 cycles of abrasion, showing excellent mechanical durability. The developed CF3Ph-Cux[email protected] exhibits outstanding oil/water separation ability with reliable recyclability and stability, allowing it for effective separation of clean water from either heavy or light oil contaminants. In addition, it is further shown that the superhydrophobic fabric also demonstrated excellent self-cleaning, self-healing, ultraviolet (UV) protection, anti-icing, and antibacterial capabilities. It is hence believed these valuable functions could significantly enhance the practical feasibility of the superhydrophobic fabric in various application scenarios.