Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and the risk of stroke recurrence in patients with a history of minor ischemic stroke in Japan: a retrospective analysis
Background: Physical activity (PA) is beneficial for stroke prevention; in particular, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA). However, few studies have investigated its relationship with recurrent ischemic stroke (RIS).Objectives: To clarify the relationship between MVPA and RIS and the burden of risk factors after a first-ever ischemic stroke.Methods: A total of 45 outpatients (mean age 67.1 ± 10.2 years) who had previously experienced a transient ischemic attack or a minor non-cardioembolic ischemic stroke at a single hospital in Japan (mean 6.4 ± 4.2 years previously), were enrolled between March and June 2016. All patients wore an accelerometer around their hips for 10 days, and their percentage body fat (%BF) and visceral fat level (VFL) were measured by bioelectrical impedance. Retrospective information about the history of RIS and risk factors (blood pressure, lipoprotein cholesterol and estimated glomerular filtration rate) were extracted from the clinical records. Binary logistic regression models were used to estimate the relevance of the RIS history to MVPA and potential risk factors such as sociodemographic and clinical variables (obesity, smoking and hypertension).Results: RIS occurred in 9 patients; they had significantly higher VFL (p = 0.007) and %BF (p = 0.007) values and lower MVPA (p = 0.011) values than patients without recurrence. A multivariate analysis of these factors indicated that age, VFL and MVPA were significant independent predictors of RIS.Conclusions: Patients with a history of mild ischemic stroke had low MVPA and high VFL values, which together may be a risk factor for RIS.