Analysis of using a MicroBlaze processor for hardware implementation of algorithms for data processing in electronic recognition devices and systems based on the example of a XILINX FPGA system
In contemporary devices, reconnaissance systems, and radio-electronic warfare there is a necessity to process very large amounts of measurement data in real time. For this purpose, the possibility of hardware implementation for various types of algorithms in FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) is of great importance. With the intensive development of semiconductor technology observed in the recent years, programmable devices have undergone very significant changes in recent years. A notable increase in logical resources has enabled implementation of a programmable processor core in the FPGA. This paper presents an example of the system which is capable of processing measurement data obtained from a radar as well as control data required for controlling the processing circuit which has been implemented in MicroBlaze processor. The MicroBlaze processor is a soft processor designed for the effective implementation within programmable systems. In this paper two solutions based on the Xilkernel real time system (a solution based on Linux) and the Xilinx Standalone version have been discussed. The proposed solutions may be the basis for building efficient data processing components in WRE devices. Performance tests of the individual solutions have been made on the basis of signals received from the FMCW (Frequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave) radar.