The effect of vaccination with the F strain of Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) on protection against challenge with a tylosin-resistant strain of MG was evaluated. White leghorn chickens vaccinated via eyedrop at 6 weeks of age were subsequently challenged with various dilutions of the tylosin-resistant MG strain, as were unvaccinated controls. Three days later, tracheal swabs were collected and cultured in medium with and without tylosin to distinguish between the vaccine and challenge strains. The mean infectious dose of the challenge strains was 3.8 log10 higher in the vaccinated group than in the controls, and the vaccinated group harbored fewer challenge organisms in the trachea. These findings suggest that the F strain of MG induces protection against infection with field strains of MG and that long-term vaccination with the F strain in multiple-age layer farms may result in replacement of field MG strains by the F strain.