This editorial refers to ‘Coronary bifurcation lesions treated with simple or complex stenting: 5-year survival from patient-level pooled analysis of the Nordic Bifurcation study and the British Bifurcation Coronary Study’[†][1], by M.W. Behan et al ., on page 1923.
The title of this Editorial seems an obvious statement; nevertheless, the question relating to a one- vs. two-stent strategy for bifurcation lesions has generated years of controversy and a large number of observational and randomized studies.1–6
At present, we can state that regarding whether to choose a one- or two-stent strategy, there are two types of bifurcation lesion. The first is lesions which require two stents as intention to treat. This type was not included in the randomized studies comparing the different strategies and it would …
[1]: #fn-2