Under the auspices of the Protein Analysis Working Group (PAWG) of the Comité Consultatif pour la Quantité de Matière (CCQM) a pilot study, CCQM-P55.2, was coordinated by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) and the Chinese National Institute of Metrology (NIM). Four Metrology Institutes or Designated Institutes and the BIPM participated. Participants were required to assign the mass fraction of human C-peptide (hCP) present as the main component in the comparison sample for CCQM-P55.2. The comparison samples were prepared from synthetic human hCP purchased from a commercial supplier and used as provided without further treatment or purification. hCP was selected to be representative of the performance of a laboratory's measurement capability for the purity assignment of short (up to 5 kDa), non-cross-linked synthetic peptides/proteins. It was anticipated to provide an analytical measurement challenge representative for the value-assignment of compounds of broadly similar structural characteristics. The majority of participants used a quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (qNMR) corrected for peptide impurities. Other participants provided results obtained by peptide impurity corrected amino acid analysis (PICAA) or elemental analysis (PICCHN). It was decided to assign reference values based on the KCRVs of CCQM-K115 for both the hCP mass fraction and the mass fraction of the peptide related impurities as indispensable contributor regardless of the use of PICAA, mass balance or any other approach to determine the hCP purity. This allowed participants to demonstrate the efficacy of their implementation of the approaches used to determine the hCP mass fraction. In particular it allows participants to demonstrate the efficacy of their implementation of peptide related impurity identification and quantification. The assessment of the mass fraction of peptide impurities is based on the assumption that only the most exhaustive and elaborate set of results is taken for the calculation of the reference value. The reference value for the peptide related impurity mass fractions of the material was 83.3 mg/g with a combined standard uncertainty of 1.5 mg/g. Inspection of the degree of equivalence plots for the mass fraction of peptide impurities and additional information obtained from the peptide related impurity profile indicates that in many cases only a very small number of impurities have been identified and quantified resulting in an underestimation of the peptide related impurity mass fractions. The reference value for the mass fraction of hCP for CCQM-KP55.2 is 801.8 mg/g with a corresponding combined standard uncertainty of 3.1 mg/g. Inspection of the degree of equivalence plots for CCQM-P55.2 for the mass fraction of hCP shows that three results agree with the reference value. Main text To reach the main text of this paper, click on Final Report . The final report has been peer-reviewed and approved for publication by the CCQM.