There has been previous research about the location of DNA transcription promoters and their roles in cells, such as the model organism and bacterial cell Escherichia coli K-12, when undergone different types of shock, stress, or nutrient limitation. E.coli K-12 is a model organism for scientists, used to determine the reactions of protein synthesis when treated with stressors such as heat shock, nutrient starvation and DNA-damaging agents. In this laboratory investigation, we will investigate how a normal strand of E. coli reacts to oxidative stress with hydrogen peroxide, and compare its reaction to the oxidative stress reaction of a mutant strand of E. coli . After analyzing the two reactions, the online software, OK Mapper will be used to locate the promoters of the control group, that were not able to respond to the oxidative stress response with hydrogen peroxide, and in response, locate the promoters that are involved in oxidative stress response with hydrogen peroxide.