Pile foundations are often exposed to vertical and lateral loads. In common pile analysis, it is assumed that the effect of these two load types do not depend on each other, and designing is usually done individually for each of the vertical and lateral loads. The influence of vertical load on the response of the pile lateral load can be extracted via finite element analysis in a variety of soils. AllPile is a commercial program that has been utilized in many executive tasks and because of its ease of use in engineering, and in particular the analysis of different pile types under the influence of vertical, lateral, and bending loads and their combinations, as a single pile or pile group. It is one of the most popular and practical programs among geotechnical engineers. The results of the single-pile analysis under the lateral load and lateral load with vertical load in Allpile and Abaqus software are presented to compare their results. Then for layered soil, a comparison has been made between the results of Allpile analysis and numerical modeling with the finite element method in Abaqus. The results generally indicate that as the lateral load increases, the pile head displacement increases. Also, by increasing lateral load and applying a vertical load, the amount of displacement is reduced compared to the situation with the absence of a vertical load.