期刊:Lung Cancer [Elsevier] 日期:2021-05-21卷期号:158: 162-163被引量:1
The development and clinical application of ALK inhibitors have made a great breakthrough in recent years. It is of great clinical significance to identify the target population suitable for ALK inhibitors by using appropriate ALK detection methods. 5’ALK fusions currently draw the most attention. Nonreciprocal/reciprocal ALK translocations were often thought of nonfunctional or neglected. Here, we identified a rare patient with lung adenocarcinoma in pT1N2M0 stage IIIA. Tumor tissue of the patient harbored a novel nonreciprocal/reciprocal ALK translocation which did not form a 5’ALK fusion. But Tumor tissue did express ALK protein, which is normally not expressed in the lungs.