Drought stress is expected to increase in intensity, frequency, and duration in many parts of the world, with potential negative impacts on plant growth and productivity. The plants have evolved complex physiological and biochemical mechanisms to respond and adjust to water-deficient environments. The physiological and biochemical mechanisms associated with water-stress tolerance and water-use efficiency have been extensively studied. Besides these adaptive and mitigating strategies, the plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) play a significant role in alleviating plant drought stress. These beneficial microorganisms colonize the endo-rhizosphere/rhizosphere of plants and enhance drought tolerance. The common mechanism by which these microorganisms improve drought tolerance included the production of volatile compounds, phytohormones, siderophores, exopolysaccharides, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase (ACC deaminase), accumulation of antioxidant, stress-induced metabolites such as osmotic solutes proline, alternation in leaf and root morphology and regulation of the stress-responsive genes. The PGPR is an easy and efficient alternative approach to genetic manipulation and crop enhancement practices because plant breeding and genetic modification are time-consuming and expensive processes for obtaining stress-tolerant varieties. In this review, we will elaborate on PGPR's mechanistic approaches in enhancing the plant stress tolerance to cope with the drought stress.