ABSTRACT Mitochondria are multifunctional organelles that not only produce energy for the cell, but are also important for cell signalling, apoptosis and many biosynthetic pathways. In most cell types, they form highly dynamic networks that are constantly remodelled through fission and fusion events, repositioned by motor-dependent transport and degraded when they become dysfunctional. Motor proteins and their tracks are key regulators of mitochondrial homeostasis, and in this Review, we discuss the diverse functions of the three classes of motor proteins associated with mitochondria – the actin-based myosins, as well as the microtubule-based kinesins and dynein. In addition, Miro and TRAK proteins act as adaptors that link kinesin-1 and dynein, as well as myosin of class XIX (MYO19), to mitochondria and coordinate microtubule- and actin-based motor activities. Here, we highlight the roles of motor proteins and motor-linked track dynamics in the transporting and docking of mitochondria, and emphasize their adaptations in specialized cells. Finally, we discuss how motor–cargo complexes mediate changes in mitochondrial morphology through fission and fusion, and how they modulate the turnover of damaged organelles via quality control pathways, such as mitophagy. Understanding the importance of motor proteins for mitochondrial homeostasis will help to elucidate the molecular basis of a number of human diseases.