Henry Stoldt,Declan Quinn,Jake Kavanagh,Craig T. Johansen
期刊:AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2020 Forum日期:2021-07-28
View Video Presentation: https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2021-3267.vid MAPLEAF is a novel compact, extensible, and open-source rocket flight simulation framework for researchers, amateurs, and startups. MAPLEAF aims to improve on the accuracy and extensibility of existing publically-available simulators. The architectural choices intended to facilitate future extensions and modifications to MAPLEAF are discussed. MAPLEAF's included Monte Carlo, optimization, adaptive time integration, probabilistic wind modelling, automated verification and validation, and control system modelling capabilities are presented. Finally, selected cases from MAPLEAF's test suite are presented, including comparisons to rocket flight data, wind tunnel tests, NASA's flight simulators, Missile Datcom, Aeroprediction, OpenRocket, RockSim, and various CFD solvers.