Early feeding after percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube placement in patients who require trauma and surgical intensive care: A retrospective cohort study
Abstract Background Critically ill patients experience interruptions in enteral nutrition (EN). For ventilated patients who undergo percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube placement, postprocedure fasting times vary from 1 to 24 h depending on the surgeon's preference. There is no evidence to support delayed feeding (DF) after PEG placement. This study's purpose was to determine if there is an increased complication rate associated with early feeding (EF) after PEG. Methods 150 adult ventilated patients in the trauma and surgical intensive care unit (TSICU) at a level I trauma center underwent PEG placement in March 2015 through May 2018 by one of six surgical intensivists. Retrospective review revealed variable post‐PEG fasting practices: one started EN at 1 h, two started at 4 h, two started at 6 h, and one started at 24 h. Time to initiation of EN and complication rates were assessed. Patients were divided into EF (<4) and DF (≥4 h) groups. Results Median postprocedure fasting time was 5.5 h. The overall complication rate was 3.3%, with a feeding intolerance rate of 0.7% and aspiration rate of 0%. There was no difference in complication rate for EF (3.1%) as compared with DF (3.4%) (odds ratio, 0.92; 95% CI, 0.10–8.52; P = 0.7). Conclusion Complication rates following PEG placement in ventilated TSICU patients are low and do not change with EF compared with DF. EF is probably safe.