The derivative of nitro groups containing antibacterial drug is very essential in present days for the urinary infections of human beings and animals, therefore, monitoring or controlling the usage of these drugs are more important one. In this work, amperometric detection of nitrofurantoin (NFT) antibacterial drug was demonstrated using a simple fabrication of functionalized carbon nanofibers and carbon black hybrid composite (f-CNF/CB). The f-CNF/CB composite was prepared by one-pot simple ultrasonication process. The f-CNF/CB composite was characterized by various microscopic and spectroscopic methods. The f-CNF/CB composite was fabricated on glassy carbon electrode (GCE) to step up rapid electron transfer process via electrode-electrolyte interface. Thus, the f-CNF/CB/GCE showed superior electrochemical performance towards NFT in physiological pH condition. Amperometric detection of NFT using f-CNF/CB/GCE exhibited a wide response range from 0.05 to 104.66 µM with a limit of detection and sensitivity of 16 nM and 15.25 μA µM−1 cm−2, respectively. Besides, the superior electrochemical performance of the f-CNF/CB hybrid composite could be further utilized for the fabrication of new-generation sensing devices and energy storage devices like batteries/capacitors.