For inorganic luminescent materials with activators, the energy yield is usually observed to decrease with an increase in activator concentration, which is known as the concentration quenching effect. To inhibit this phenomenon, a common strategy is to increase the distance between activators. Most previous reports have focused on the three-dimensional crystal lattice, and there have been few reports about two-dimensional layered structure. Herein, we synthesized a novel Cr3+-activated near-infrared (NIR) phosphor Li2Sr2Al(PO4)3 (LSAPO) with layered structure, and in such a two-dimensional structure, we proved experimentally that the concentration quenching was suppressed. Under 460 nm excitation, LSAPO:Cr3+ gave a broad NIR emission band (700-1200 nm) centered at 823 nm with a full width at half-maximum (fwhm) of 178 nm and a broad absorption band, indicating its potential application in NIR spectroscopy. Moreover, by codoping Cr3+ and Yb3+ ions, we further widened the emission bandwidth to ∼230 nm of fwhm, the internal quantum efficiency increased from 54% to 61%, and the thermal stability was improved. The fabricated NIR device with a LSAPO:Cr3+,Yb3+ phosphor coupled with blue chips can be applied in night-vision technologies and medical fields.