Deformation localization is a widely observed, but rarely quantified process in the crust. Recent observations suggest that the localization of seismicity and fracture networks can help identify the approach to catastrophic failure. Here, we quantify the localization processes of the volumetric and deviatoric strain components in twelve triaxial compression experiments imaged with X-ray tomography. We capture three-dimensional images of the rock cores during triaxial compressing toward failure, and then calculate the local strain components using digital volume correlation. The divergence and curl of the incremental displacement vector field provide the volumetric and deviatoric components of the strain field. We quantify localization using the proportion of the rock occupied by high magnitudes of the volumetric and deviatoric strains, and the Gini coefficient of these high magnitude strains, which measures the deviation from a uniform process. We find that the vast majority, but not all, of the experiments experience strain localization toward failure. The rocks typically experience their maximum degree of strain localization not immediately preceding failure, but on average at 90% of the failure stress. The volumetric strain tends to localize more than the deviatoric strain. These observations support using the localization of the volumetric strain, along with the deviatoric strain, to identify the evolution of the precursory phase preceding earthquakes.