期刊:Journal of Coastal Research [BioOne (Coastal Education and Research Foundation)] 日期:2020-10-05
Nie, Y., 2020. Marxist economics of the function of ocean natural environment system. In: Guido Aldana, P.A. and Kantamaneni, K. (eds.), Advances in Water Resources, Coastal Management, and Marine Science Technology. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 104, pp. 125–129. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.At present, with the accelerating pace of urbanization in China, the relationship between population, natural resources and ecological environment is becoming increasingly tense, and the natural environment of our country is deteriorating. Marxism, as the philosophical theory followed by our country and our Party, has a very important guiding role in analyzing the present situation and dilemma of our country's natural environment and proposing corresponding solutions. Based on Marxist economic theory, this paper analyzes the natural environment of our country, and discusses the close relationship between the two, hoping to enrich the relevant research.