A novel design of bioreactor G-BNC, in combination with two previously reported designs of bioreactor were used to fabricate three small caliber bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) conduits (G-BNC, S-BNC and D-BNC). They were compared systematically with a clinically-used ePTFE graft. S-BNC possessed a laminated structure, the lowest BNC content, roughest luminal surface and weakest mechanical properties, and so might not be sufficiently strong for use as an artificial blood vessel alone. The D-BNC conduit possessed an unstratified structure with a fiber network that was more dense and the greatest BNC content, providing the strongest mechanical properties. G-BNC possessed a looser network with the smoothest luminal surface and greater hemocompatibility. Following comprehensive evaluation of mechanical properties and performance, we judge that D-BNC and G-BNC should possess greater potential in application as small caliber vascular grafts, however the patency of the three BNC conduits need be further verified in animal studies in vivo.