Abstract Aim The prevalence of hemorrhoids among pregnant women is high in late pregnancy. This study was to evaluate the efficacy between drug treatment with P rocort (topical hydrocortisone cream 1%) and mechanical treatment with a H ai's P erianal S upport ( HPS ) toilet seat device in managing symptomatic hemorrhoids during the third trimester of pregnancy. Methods A prospective randomized controlled study was conducted on 23 pregnant women with gestation above the 28th week and presented with symptomatic hemorrhoids. Pre‐ and post‐interventional assessment was carried out to obtain data on symptoms of pain, itching, swelling, discomfort and bleeding associated with hemorrhoids. The control group was treated with topical hydrocortisone cream 1% and the test group was provided and taught to use a HPS , a posterior perineal support toilet seat device ( C olorec). Results The results showed improvement in symptoms of pain, swelling, bleeding, itching and discomfort in both the test and control groups. However, statistically significant differences were found on symptoms of pain, swelling and discomfort between the test and control groups. There was also a statistically significant difference in well‐being and overall improvement between the test and control groups. Conclusion HPS has to a certain extent significantly reduced the symptoms of hemorrhoids in pregnancy and improved the well‐being of pregnant women in comparison with topical treatment with hydrocortisone cream. However, more clinical trials need to be carried out to recomfirm the role of HPS in hemorrhoids in pregnancy.