Thermoluminescence (TL) in sintered CaF2 doped with Tb4O7 has been studied for UV and X-ray irradiation. Three TL glow peaks for the Tb4O7 doped sample appeared in the temperature regions of about (1) 347–353 K, (2) 378–383 K and (3) 453–458 K, when heated at a rate of 20 K min−1 after UV or X-ray irradiation at room temperature. It has been found that the 378 K peak intensity of the samples co-doped with Tb4O7 and Sm2O3 became stronger when compared with those doped with only terbium or samarium ions, and the TL peaks of (1) 347–353 K and (3) 453–458 K were not observed. The intensity of the 378 K peak of the co-doped sample was 12.9 times that of the sample doped only with Tb4O7. From the TL spectra and the excitation and emission spectra of photoluminescence for the CaF2 doped activators, it is concluded that the TL of Tb3+ ions is sensitised by the existence of Sm3+ ions. The 378 K TL peak may also be suitable for UV radiation dosimetry.