
The Price of Robustness

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Dimitris Bertsimas,Melvyn Sim
期刊:Operations Research [Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences]
卷期号:52 (1): 35-53 被引量:3855

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In particular, we flexibly adjust the level of conservatism of the robust solutions in terms of probabilistic bounds of constraint violations. An attractive aspect of our method is that the new robust formulation is also a linear optimization problem. Thus we naturally extend our methods to discrete optimization problems in a tractable way. We report numerical results for a portfolio optimization problem, a knapsack problem, and a problem from the Net Lib library. This article appears in INFORMS Analytics Collections Vol. 15: 25 Years of INFORMS. Visit this collection for free access to more articles showcasing the evolution of INFORMS over the past 25 years. 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