Phenomenological approach to a relaxor theory is developed and some experi-mental results in the support of this theory are received. The optical absorption spectrum, luminescent emission and photoconductivity are investigated in the wide temperature region in PbMg 1/3 Nb 2/3 O 3 . On the basis of this data the density of states on the impurity band and the velocity of charge carrier localization are found. The probability distribution of relaxation time, g (ln( ))dln( ), is found analytically as the function of the density of states in the impurity polaron band. The temperature dependences of dielectric response of relaxor ferroelectrics are described in the framework of the Landau-Ginzburg-Devonshire theory of phase transitions. The properties of local centers and polaron localization dynamics are studied. Keywords: Optical PropertiesRelaxor FerroelectricsPmnPhenomenological Theory