The opportunities for performing detailed clinical studies of biliary cirrhosis are limited. Suitable subjects are relatively rare and they differ in the duration, degree, and etiology of their biliary obstruction as well as the degree of associated infection. In addition, there is a need for stable experimental models of cirrhosis in animals whose liver is anatomically and physiologically similar to man and which are large enough to allow detailed study of the hemodynamic changes associated with cirrhosis and portal hypertension and their modification by surgical procedures. This report concerns a preliminary, successful experience in attempting to produce biliary cirrhosis inMacaca mulattamonkeys.
Materials and Methods
Eight male and eight femaleMacaca mulattamonkeys, approximately 2 years of age and weighing between 3.3 kg (7.3 lb) and 5.5 kg (12.1 1b) were the subjects of this investigation. The monkeys were maintained on a "fully nutritious diet" and were housed in