How bacteria link their growth rate to external nutrient conditions is unknown. To investigate how Bacillus subtilis cells alter the rate at which they expand their cell walls as they grow, we compared single-cell growth rates of cells grown under agar pads with the density of moving MreB filaments under a variety of growth conditions. MreB filament density increases proportionally with growth rate. We show that both MreB filament density and growth rate depend on the abundance of Lipid II and murAA, the first gene in the biosynthetic pathway creating the cell wall precursor Lipid II. Lipid II is sensed by the serine/threonine kinase PrkC, which phosphorylates RodZ and other proteins. We show that phosphorylated RodZ increases MreB filament density, which in turn increases cell growth rate. We also show that increasing the activity of this pathway in nutrient-poor media results in cells that elongate faster than wild-type cells, which means that B. subtilis contains spare 'growth capacity'. We conclude that PrkC functions as a cellular rheostat, enabling fine-tuning of cell growth rates in response to Lipid II in different nutrient conditions. Bacillus subtilis senses nutrient conditions via PrkC to modulate growth rate.