The effect of using illustrated materials for communication on the anxiety and comfort of cardiac surgery patients receiving mechanical ventilator support: A randomized controlled trial
Using illustrated communication materials with patients receiving mechanical ventilation support increases patient satisfaction and reduces communication difficulties. However, there are no randomized controlled clinical studies showing the effect of the use of these materials on patient care outcomes.To determine the effect of using illustrated communication materials on the anxiety and comfort levels of patients receiving mechanical ventilation support.In this controlled clinical trial, patients were randomly assigned to either the intervention group that used illustrated communication materials or the control group that used routine communication methods. In the first minute of contact with patients in the intensive care unit, then at 30 min and 60 min, patients' numerical pain-rating scale scores, hemodynamic values, and face-anxiety scale scores were recorded. Satisfaction with communication and perianesthesia comfort scale scores were obtained the day after operation.After 30 min of communication, the percentage of face-anxiety points difference decreased in the intervention group (-14.16) compared to the control group (-6.11), and the difference was statistically significant (p < 0.05). In terms of perceived comfort during postoperative mechanical ventilation, the mean score of the patients in the intervention group (106.10) was higher than the control group (88.53), and the difference was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Furthermore, 90% of the patients in the intervention group and 30% of the patients in the control group were satisfied with the communication method used, and the difference between the groups was statistically significant.Using illustrated communication materials reduces anxiety and increases patient satisfaction and comfort levels. In communicating with intubated patients, the use of illustrated communication materials is recommended.