Objective: To investigate the clinical characteristics and prognosis of human adenovirus (HAdV) infection in patients with allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT). Methods: This is a retrospective case series study. Patients who received allo-HSCT and had symptoms of HAdV infection were tested in the Hematology Department at Perking University People's Hospital from August 2015 to October 2019. Real-time quantitative PCR was used to detect HAdV DNA from 2 728 patients with potential infection. HAdV DNA-positive patients were defined as having HAdV infection. The clinical features of these patients were analyzed, and a case-pair method was used to select patients without HAdV infection as the control group in a 1∶3 ratio. The clinical results of the two groups were compared using Kaplan-Meier and Log-rank testing. Results: A total of 7 119 samples were tested for HAdV, of which 99 samples from 36 patients were positive. Of these patients, 22 developed HAdV viremia, and 24 patients had concurrent infection with another virus. Nineteen patients had fever (53%), 25 had gastrointestinal symptoms (69%), 11 had respiratory symptoms (31%), nine had reduced liver function (25%), and six had nervous system symptoms (17%). Twenty-three patients developed acute graft-versus-host disease of grade 2 or higher. Of all the patients with HAdV infection, nine were treated with cidofovir, seven of whom became HAdV negative and two had invalid treatment. The median follow-up time was 496 (216, 940) d post-HSCT. The overall survival at 5 years post HSCT was 48.4%±9.2% vs. 91.3%±3.5% (χ2=65.03, P<0.001) in patients with and without HADV, respectively. The non-relapse mortality at 5 years post-HSCT was 40.8%±8.8% vs. 4.0%±2.0% (χ2=34.17, P<0.001) in patients with and without HADV, respectively. Conclusions: After allo-HSCT, HAdV-infected patients are dominated by gastrointestinal and respiratory symptoms and have an increased risk of combined acute graft-versus-host disease of >2 degrees. Patients with HAdV infection have poor overall survival and high non-relapse mortality.目的: 分析异基因造血干细胞移植(allo-HSCT)后人腺病毒(HAdV)感染患者的临床特征及预后。 方法: 回顾性病例系列研究。收集2015年8月至2019年10月在北京大学人民医院血液科接受allo-HSCT后出现疑似感染症状但感染病原不明的2 728例患者标本,采用荧光定量PCR法检测HAdV DNA,HAdV DNA检测阳性视为HAdV感染。分析HAdV感染患者临床表现,并根据患者年龄、移植类型、移植年份、随访时间采用巢式病例配对按1∶3匹配了未发生HAdV感染的患者作为对照组,采用Kaplan-Meier法分析并进行Log-rank检验,比较HAdV感染组和对照组的临床预后。 结果: 共检测7 119份标本,其中36例患者99例次HAdV DNA阳性。36例HAdV感染患者中22例发生HAdV血症;24例除HAdV感染外合并1种或多种其他病毒感染;19例(53%)有发热,25例(69%)有消化道症状,11例(31%)有呼吸道症状,9例(25%)有肝功能异常,6例(17%)有神经系统症状;23例同时发生2度及以上急性移植物抗宿主病;9例患者接受西多福韦抗病毒治疗,其中7例HAdV转阴,2例治疗无效。所有患者随访时间[M(Q1,Q3)]为496(216,940)d,Kaplan-Meier分析显示HAdV感染组5年总体生存率低于对照组(48.4%±9.2%比91.3%±3.5%;χ2=65.03,P<0.001),移植后5年的非复发死亡率高于对照组(40.8%±8.8%比4.0%±2.0%;χ2=34.17,P<0.001)。 结论: allo-HSCT后HAdV感染者以消化道、呼吸道症状为主,合并2度以上急性移植物抗宿主病的风险增加,HAdV感染患者总体生存差,非复发死亡率高。.