International Delphi study of clinical and exercise professionals’ opinion of physical activity prescreening and contraindications for participating in postpartum physical activity
Margie H. Davenport,Shefali Christopher,Rita E. Deering,Christina Prevett,Sinéad Dufour,Milena Forte,Nicole Beamish,Kristi B. Adamo,Kari Bø,Emma Brockwell,Émilie Brunet-Pagé,Radha Chari,Marlize De Vivo,Karen Fleming,Amal Hassan,Melanie Hayman,Kirstin N. Lane,Michelle F. Mottola,Sarah Neil‐Sztramko,Rita Santos‐Rocha
Objective To establish expert consensus on prescreening and contraindications to moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity (MVPA) during the first year postpartum. Methods A Delphi survey of clinical and exercise professionals working with postpartum women and people was conducted until consensus was reached (≥75% agreement). Round I consisted of questions about relative and absolute contraindications to MVPA. Rounds II and III included additional questions based on the thematic coding of open-ended responses from the previous rounds. The results were used to develop a postpartum MVPA preparticipation screening tool. Results 120 participants completed round I, 105 completed round II and 95 completed round III. Consensus was reached in 46/49 (94%) statements. Twenty-four relative contraindications to MVPA were identified: (loss of consciousness; neurological symptoms; kidney disease; calf pain or swelling suggestive of deep vein thrombosis; severe abdominal pain; vaginal bleeding not associated with menses; postpartum cardiomyopathy; caesarean section with symptoms that worsen with MVPA; unstable hypertension; eating disorder; malnutrition; anaemia; excessive fatigue; fractures or other significant musculoskeletal injuries; haemodynamic instability; breathing difficulties; acute systemic infection accompanied by fever, body aches, or swollen lymph glands; the new onset of chest pain, discomfort, and other angina-like symptoms with exertion; dizziness or lightheadedness during MVPA; new symptoms of heart disease, stroke; and other medical or physical conditions that may affect the ability to be physically active. Key biopsychosocial barriers to MVPA were identified. Conclusion This Delphi study recommends relative contraindications to MVPA for the first year postpartum that were incorporated into a postpartum MVPA pre-participation screening tool the Get Active Questionnaire for Postpartum.