Holography holds tremendous promise in applications such as immersive virtual reality and optical communications. With the emergence of optical metasurfaces, planar optical components that have the remarkable ability to precisely manipulate the amplitude, phase, and polarization of light on the subwavelength scale have expanded the potential applications of holography. However, the realization of metasurface-based full-color vectorial holography remains particularly challenging. Here, we report a general approach utilizing a modified Gerchberg–Saxton algorithm to achieve spatially aligned full-color display and incorporating wavelength information with an image compensation strategy. We combine the Pancharatnam–Berry phase and pairs of exceptional points to address the issue of redundant twin images that generally appear for the two orthogonal circular polarizations and to enable full polarization control of the vectorial field. Our results enable the realization of an asymmetric full-color vectorial meta-hologram, paving the way for the development of full-color display, complex beam generation, and secure data storage applications.