Academy of Management ReviewIn-Press DialogueTaking Situatedness Seriously in Theorizing about Competitive Advantage through Artificial Intelligence: A Response to Kemp's "Competitive Advantages through Artificial Intelligence"Christine Moser, Vern L. Glaser and Dirk LindebaumChristine MoserVrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Vern L. GlaserUniversity of Alberta, Canada and Dirk LindebaumGrenoble Ecole de Management, FranceAccepted by Sergio LazzariniPublished Online:4 Jan 2024https://doi.org/10.5465/amr.2023.0265AboutSectionsView articleView Full TextPDF/EPUB ToolsDownload CitationsAdd to favoritesTrack Citations ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail View articleREFERENCESAxa. 2023. AXA offers secure Generative AI to employees. Retrieved from https://www.axa.com/en/press/press-releases/axa-offers-securegenerative-ai-to-employees. Google ScholarBalasubramanian, N., Ye, Y., & Xu, M. 2022. 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