A literature review of palm leaf manuscript conservation—Part 2: historic and current conservation treatments, boxing and storage, religious and ethical issues, recommendations for best practice

棕榈 艺术 环境伦理学 哲学 量子力学 物理
Julia Wiland,Rick Brown,Lizzie Fuller,Lea Havelock,Jackie Johnson,Dorothy Kenn,Paulina Kralka,Marya Muzart,Jessica A. Pollard,Jenny Snowdon
期刊:Journal of The Institute of Conservation [Informa]
卷期号:46 (1): 64-91 被引量:1

AbstractThe closure of the British Library during the 2020–2021 COVID-19 pandemic allowed the conservation department to undertake a treatment review of the conservation of palm leaf manuscripts in order to make better-informed decisions about the treatment of these complex objects. As part of the review a questionnaire was posted in 2020 to the Global Conservation Forum asking about the treatment of palm leaf manuscripts by others in the field. This two-part Literature Review uses the available literature and the survey results to address the wide range of issues inherent in the practical conservation of palm leaf materials. Part 1 began with an historic overview of palm leaf manuscripts and their production, leaf preparation methods, manuscript materials and media, palm leaf manuscripts at the British Library and the common types of damage found in such manuscripts. Part 2 details historic treatments and current conservation techniques as informed by our review and survey, as well as storage, religious and ethical issues. It concludes with two decision-making flowcharts, and our practical recommendations for conservators. The authors wish to share the collated information as widely as possible and help create greater continuity and consistency in palm leaf manuscript conservation by presenting recommendations for best practice for conservators who treat these amazing objects.Résumé« Une revue littéraire de la restauration des manuscrits sur feuilles de palmier—Partie 2: traitements de conservation historiques et actuels, conditionnement et stockage, questions religieuses et éthiques, recommandations pour les meilleures pratiques »La fermeture de la British Library lors de la pandémie de Covid-19 2020–2021 a permis au département de la restauration d'entreprendre un recensement des traitements de conservation des manuscrits sur feuilles de palmier afin de prendre des décisions plus éclairées sur le traitement de ces objets complexes. Dans le cadre du recensement, un questionnaire fut posté en 2020 sur le Forum international de la conservation comprenant des questions sur le traitement des manuscritssur feuilles de palmier réalisé par d'autres personnes dans ce domaine. Cette revue de la littérature en deux parties exploite la littérature disponible et les résultats de l'enquête pour aborder le large éventail de problèmes inhérents à la conservation matérielle des matériaux en feuilles de palmier. La partie 1 a commencé par un aperçu historique des manuscrits sur feuilles de palmier et de leur production, des méthodes de préparation des feuilles, des matériaux et supports manuscrits, des manuscrits sur feuilles de palmier à la British Library et des altérations courantes rencontrées dans ces manuscrits. La partie 2 détaille les anciens traitements et les techniques de conservation actuelles que nous avons observées et qui ont été exprimées dans notre enquête, ainsi que les problèmes de stockage, les questions religieuses et éthiques. Il se termine par deux organigrammes de prise de décision et nos recommandations pratiques pour les restaurateurs. Les auteurs souhaitent partager les informations rassemblées aussi largement que possible et aider à créer une plus grande continuité et cohérence dans la conservation des manuscrits sur feuilles de palmier en présentant des recommandations de bonnes pratiques pour les restaurateurs qui traitent ces objets étonnants.Zusammenfassung„Eine Literaturübersicht über die Restaurierung von Palmblattmanuskripten—Teil 2: historische und aktuelle Restaurierungsverfahren, Verpackung und Lagerung, religiöse und ethische Fragen, Empfehlungen für “best practice” Verfahren“Die Schließung der British Library während der COVID-19-Pandemie in den Jahren 2020–2021 ermöglichte es der Konservierungsabteilung, eine Überprüfung der konservatorischen Behandlung von Palmblatthandschriften vorzunehmen, um fundiertere Entscheidungen über die Behandlung dieser komplexen Objekte treffen zu können. Im Rahmen dieser Überprüfung wurde 2020 ein Fragebogen an das Global Conservation Forum geschickt, in dem nach der Behandlung von Palmblattmanuskripten durch andere Fachleute gefragt wurde. Diese zweiteilige Literaturübersicht nutzt die verfügbare Literatur und die Ergebnisse der Umfrage, um das breite Spektrum an Fragen zu behandeln, die mit der praktischen Konservierung von Palmblattmaterialien verbunden sind. Teil 1 beginnt mit einem historischen Überblick über Palmblattmanuskripte und ihre Herstellung, Blattpräparationsmethoden, Manuskriptmaterialien und -medien, Palmblattmanuskripte in der British Library und die in solchen Manuskripten häufig vorkommenden Schadensarten. Teil 2 befasst sich mit den historischen Behandlungsmethoden und den aktuellen Konservierungstechniken, die sich aus unserer Untersuchung und Umfrage ergeben haben, sowie mit der Lagerung, religiösen und ethischen Fragen. Er schließt mit zwei Flussdiagrammen zur Entscheidungsfindung und unseren praktischen Empfehlungen für Restauratoren. Die Autoren möchten die gesammelten Informationen so weit wie möglich verbreiten und dazu beitragen, eine größere Kontinuität und Konsistenz bei der Erhaltung von Palmblatthandschriften zu schaffen, indem sie Empfehlungen für bewährte Verfahren für Restauratoren, die diese großartigen Objekte behandeln, vorlegen.Resumen“Una revisión bibliográfica sobre la conservación de manuscritos de hoja de palma. Segunda parte: tratamientos de conservación históricos y actuales, embalaje y almacenamiento, cuestiones religiosas y éticas, recomendaciones para las mejores prácticas”El cierre de la Biblioteca Británica durante la pandemia de Covid-19 de 2020 al 2021 permitió al departamento de conservación llevar a cabo una revisión de los tratamientos de conservación de manuscritos en hoja de palma y así poder tomar decisiones más fundamentadas en relación con el tratamiento de estos complejos objetos. Como parte de la revisión, en 2020, se envió un cuestionario al Global Conservation Forum preguntando a otros conservadores sobre el tratamiento de manuscritos de hojas de palma. Esta reseña bibliográfica en dos partes utiliza la literatura disponible y los resultados de la encuesta para abordar la amplia problemática de la conservación práctica de los materiales de hoja de palma. La primera parte incluía una descripción histórica de los manuscritos en hoja de palma y su producción, los métodos de preparación de la hoja, los materiales y medios usados en los manuscrito, los manuscritos en hoja de palma existentes en la Biblioteca Británica y los tipos de daños comunes a dichos manuscritos. La segunda parte detalla los tratamientos históricos y las técnicas de conservación actuales según lo informado por nuestra revisión y encuesta, así como cuestiones de almacenamiento, religiosas y éticas. Concluye con dos diagramas de flujo para facilitar decisiones sobre tratamientos y nuestras recomendaciones prácticas para los conservadores. Los autores desean compartir la información recopilada lo más ampliamente posible y presentar nuestras recomendaciones de mejores prácticas para los conservadores que tratan estos objetos fascinante para así ayudar a crear mayor continuidad y consistencia en la conservación de manuscritos de hoja de palma.摘要有关保护棕榈叶手稿的文献回顾——第二部分:历史上的和当前的保护技术、装箱与存储、宗教和伦理问题,以及最佳实践建议大英图书馆在2020–2021年新冠疫情期间关闭,使得保存修复部可以对棕榈叶手稿的保护进行审查,以便在修护这类复杂藏品时做出更明智的决定。作为审查的一部分,2020年大英图书馆在全球保护论坛上发布了一份调查问卷,询问了该领域其他人员对棕榈叶手稿的修护情况。这篇由两部分组成的文献综述使用了现有文献和调查结果,以探讨棕榈叶材料在保护实践中所涉及的广泛问题。第一部分首先是棕榈叶手稿及其制作的历史概述、叶子的制备方法、手稿材料和媒介、大英图书馆的棕榈叶手稿,以及在此类手稿中发现的常见损伤类型。第二部分详细介绍了我们审查和调查所了解到的历史处理方法和当前保护技术,以及存储、宗教和伦理问题。最后是两张决策流程图,以及我们对修复师的实际建议。作者们希望尽可能广泛地分享这些整理过的信息,并通过向修护这些非凡物件的修复师建议最佳做法,来帮助促进棕榈叶手稿保护的连续性和一致性。Keywords: palm leafboxinglong-term storageconservation treatmentethical conservationtraditional preservation methods AcknowledgementsWe would like to give our thanks to the many people who helped and contributed to this project including Dr Cordelia Rogerson and the British Library Conservation Department, Annabel Gallop, Jana Igunma, and the British Library Southeast Asian and South Asian curators, all those who answered our survey on the Global Conservation Forum, and conservators from various institutions that we contacted for information.BiographiesJulia Wiland ACR is an Icon accredited paper conservator working at The British Library in London since 2003, specialising in Asian and Western art on paper and photographs. She has an MA in Conservation of Works of Art on Paper from Camberwell College of Arts, University of the Arts London.Rick Brown is a book conservator and conservation team leader working at The British Library in London. He joined the library in 1984 where he completed a 5-year apprenticeship and specialises in book structures.Lizzie Fuller is a paper conservator currently working at the National Library of Scotland. She previously worked at the British Library, and completed her MA in Paper Conservation at Camberwell College of Arts, UAL.Lea Havelock ACR is an Icon accredited book conservator working at The British Library in London since 2012 and specialises in library and archive materials. She has an MA in Conservation as well as a BA (Hons) in the History of Drawing and Printmaking from Camberwell College of Arts, UAL.Jackie Johnson received a BA in Conservation from the University of Lincoln and her MA in Conservation of Books from Camberwell College of Arts, UAL. She has had internships at the Landesmuseum in Zurich, the V&A and the Parliamentary Archives in the House of Lords. Currently, she works as a book conservator at the British Library.Dorothy Kenn is a book and paper conservator specialising in photographs and album structures. She has been working at The British Library since 1992, after completing a 5-year traineeship at the library.Paulina Kralka is a paper conservator who has recently joined the Mohammed Bin Rashid Library. She was was previously working as a digitisation and scroll conservator who joined the Lotus Sutra Manuscripts Digitisation project at The British Library from March 2020. She holds an MA in Art Conservation and Restoration from the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow and a BA in Art History from Jagiellonian University, Krakow. She has also completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Asian Art at SOAS, University of London.Marya Muzart is a digitisation and scroll conservator who has been working on the Lotus Sutra Manuscripts Digitisation project at The British Library since 2018. She holds an MA in Paper Conservation from Camberwell College of Arts, UAL and a BA in Art History and Material Studies from University College London.Jessica Pollard is a paper conservator working at the Dorset History Centre. She was previously working at the British Library as a digitisation conservator. She has an MA in Paper Conservation from Camberwell College of Arts, UAL and a BA in Conservation of Historic Objects from University of Lincoln.Jenny Snowdon is a book conservator working at The British Library since 2015. She has an MA in Book Conservation at Camberwell College of Arts, UAL and a BA (Hons) in Contemporary Fine Art from Sheffield Hallam University. She also completed a yearlong Icon internship at the Staffordshire Record Office in paper, parchment and book conservation.Notes1 Julia Wiland et al., ‘A Literature Review of Palm Leaf Manuscript Conservation—Part 1: A Historic Overview, Leaf Preparation, Materials and Media, Palm Leaf Manuscripts at the British Library and the Common Types of Damage’, Journal of the Institute of Conservation 45, no. 3 (2022): 236–59, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19455224.2022.2115093 (accessed 16 December 2022).2 Om Prakash Agrawal, Conservation of Manuscripts and Painting of South Asia (London: Butterworth, 1984), 42; Jane L. Williams, ed., The Conservation of Asian Lacquer: Case Studies at the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco (San Francisco: The Asian Art Museum, 2008), 20.3 Cf. for example, Agrawal, Conservation of Manuscripts, 43, 44; Anupam Sah, ‘Palm Leaf Manuscripts of The World: Material, Technology and Conservation’, Studies in Conservation 47 (2002), Issue sup.1: Reviews in Conservation 3: 21.4 See, for example, David Jacobs, ‘Workshop Notes of The Conservation and Stabilization of Palm Leaf Manuscripts’, South Asia Library Group, Newsletter 40 (2010): 27–8; Susan Ghosh, Arnab Mahajan, and Swapna Banerjee, ‘Palm Leaf Manuscript Conservation, The Process of Seasoning’, International Journal of Information Movement 2, no. II (2017): 127.5 Iwona Jurkiewicz, ‘Magic in Conservation—Using Leaf-Casting on Paper and Palm Leaves’, Collection Care Blog, The British Library, 2017, https://blogs.bl.uk/collectioncare/2017/10/magic-in-conservation-using-leaf-casting-a-mechanical-pulp-repair-technique-on-paper-and-palm-leaves-as-the-library-i.html (accessed 16 December 2022).6 Ghosh, Mahajan, and Banerjee, ‘Palm Leaf Manuscript Conservation’, 127; Yeni Budi Rachman, ‘Palm Leaf Manuscripts from Royal Surakarta, Indonesia: Deterioration Phenomena and Care Practices’, Restaurator—International Journal for The Preservation of Library and Archival Materials 39, no. 4 (2018): 242.7 Agrawal, Conservation of Manuscripts, 47; Yana van Dyke, ‘Sacred Leaves: The Conservation and Exhibition of Early Buddhist Manuscripts on Palm Leaves’, The Book and Paper Group Annual 28 (2009): 90, https://cool.culturalheritage.org/coolaic/sg/bpg/annual/v28/bpga28-17.pdf (accessed 16 December 2022).8 Jacobs, ‘Workshop Notes’, 26, 29.9 See, for example, D.G. Suryawanshi, M.V. Nair, and P.M. Sinha, ‘Improving the Flexibility of Palm Leaf’, Restaurator 13, no. 1 (1992): 43.10 Alfred Crowley, ‘Repair and Conservation of Palm Leaf Manuscripts’, Restaurator 1, no. 2 (1969): 110.11 Jyotshna Sahoo and Basudev Mohanty, ‘Indigenous Methods of Preserving Manuscripts: An Overview’, The Orissa Historical Research Journal 47 (2004): 28–9, https://iskconkl.wordpress.com/2007/01/13/indigenous-methods-of-preserving-manuscripts/ (accessed June 2020).12 K.K. Gupta, ‘An Introduction to the Traditional Practices for the Control of Biodeterioration of Manuscripts’, in Indigenous Methods and Manuscript Preservation, National Mission for Manuscripts (New Delhi: Samraksika series; Vol. 1, 2006), 35–7; C.N.K. Alahakoon, ‘Indigenous Conservation Practices for Palm-leaf Manuscripts in India’, in Indigenous Methods and Manuscript Preservation, National Mission for Manuscripts (New Delhi: Samraksika series; Vol. 1, 2006), 62.13 Gupta, ‘An Introduction to Traditional Practices’, 35–8.14 Sahoo and Mohanty, ‘Indigenous Methods of Preserving Manuscripts’, 28–9.15 Sahoo and Mohanty, ‘Indigenous Methods of Preserving Manuscripts’, 28–9.16 Gupta, ‘An Introduction to Traditional Practices’, 38–9; Alahakoon, ‘Indigenous Conservation Practices for Palm-leaf Manuscripts in India’, 69–70.17 Sahoo and Mohanty, ‘Indigenous Methods of Preserving Manuscripts’, 29–30.18 Gupta, ‘An Introduction to Traditional Practices’, 38.19 Gupta, ‘An Introduction to Traditional Practices’, 38.20 Gupta, ‘An Introduction to Traditional Practices’, 37–8.21 Gupta, ‘An Introduction to Traditional Practices’, 37–8, 40–4.22 Ghosh, Mahajan, and Banerjee, ‘Palm Leaf Manuscript Conservation’, 127.23 Sah, ‘Palm Leaf Manuscripts of The World’, 19.24 Sah, ‘Palm Leaf Manuscripts of The World’, 21.25 Sah, ‘Palm Leaf Manuscripts of The World’, 21.26 See, for example, Naoko Takagi, Yoriko Chudo, and Reiko Maeda, ‘Conservation of Digitisation of Rolled Palm Leaf Manuscripts in Nepal’, Paper Conservators Asia Unlimited, blog post November 2005, https://www.asianart.com/articles/tamsuks/ (accessed September 2020).27 Takagi, Chudo, and Maeda, ‘Conservation and Digitisation of Rolled Palm Leaf Manuscripts’.28 Jacobs, ‘Workshop Notes’, 27–8.29 Jurkiewicz, ‘Magic in Conservation’, 2017.30 Julia Poirier, ‘Delaminating and Fraying Fibres: Developing an Advanced Treatment Approach for the Conservation of a 12th Century Palm Leaf Manuscript’, Chester Beatty, Dublin Castle, March 2020, https://chesterbeatty.ie/conservation/delaminating-and-fraying-fibres (accessed June 2020).31 Poirier, ‘Delaminating and Fraying Fibres’.32 van Dyke, ‘Sacred Leaves’, 88.33 van Dyke, ‘Sacred Leaves’, 91.34 Janay Laudat, ‘South Asian Heritage Month Collection Close Up: Preserving Palm Leaf—A Sacred Manuscript Tradition’, blog post, The John Rylands Library, Manchester, August 2020, https://rylandscollections.com/2020/08/03/south-asian-heritage-month-collection-close-up-preserving-palm-leaf-a-sacred-manuscript-tradition (accessed September 2020).35 Melanie Nief, Wolfgang Baatz, and Sigrid Eyb-Green, ‘Kammavacas: Lacquered and Gilt Palm Leaf Manuscripts from Burma. Analysis of Materials and Techniques in the Context of a Conservation Case Study’, The Journal of Paper Conservation 11, no. 3. (2010): 25.36 Nief, Baatz, and Eyb-Green, ‘Kammavacas: Lacquered and Gilt Manuscripts’, 25.37 Kimberley Nichols, ‘An Alternative Approach to Loss Compensation in Palm Leaf Manuscripts’, The Paper Conservator 28, no. 1 (2004): 106.38 Jacobs, ‘Workshop Notes’, 28.39 Nichols, ‘An Alternative Approach’, 107–8.40 Takagi, Chudo, and Maeda, ‘Conservation and Digitisation of Rolled Palm Leaf Manuscripts’.41 Crowley, ‘Repair and Conservation of Palm Leaf Manuscripts’, 107.42 Agrawal, Conservation of Manuscripts, 41–2; Jacobs, ‘Workshop Notes’, 26; Sah, ‘Palm Leaf Manuscripts of The World’, 21.43 Jacobs, ‘Workshop Notes’, 27; Takagi, Chudo, and Maeda, ‘Conservation and Digitisation of Rolled Palm Leaf Manuscripts’; Rachman, ‘Palm Leaf Manuscripts from Royal Surakarta’, 238.44 Nief, Baatz, and Eyb-Green, ‘Kammavacas: Lacquered and Gilt Manuscripts’, 26.45 van Dyke, ‘Sacred Leaves’, 92.46 Laudat, ‘South Asian Heritage Month’.47 Jacobs, ‘Workshop Notes’, 27; Takagi, Chudo, and Maeda, ‘Conservation and Digitisation of Rolled Palm Leaf Manuscripts’.48 Sah, ‘Palm Leaf Manuscripts of The World’, 21.49 Jana Igunma, ‘The Beauty of Palm Leaf Manuscripts (3): Storage and Preservation’, 6 February 2015, https://blogs.bl.uk/asian-and-african/2015/02/the-beauty-of-palm-leaf-manuscripts-3-storage-and-preservation.html (accessed August 2020).50 van Dyke, ‘Sacred Leaves’, 90.51 Takagi, Chudo, and Maeda, ‘Conservation and Digitisation of Rolled Palm Leaf Manuscripts’.52 van Dyke, ‘Sacred Leaves’, 90.53 Sah, ‘Palm Leaf Manuscripts of The World’, 22.54 van Dyke, ‘Sacred Leaves’, 89.55 Sah, ‘Palm Leaf Manuscripts of The World’, 21.56 Nief, Baatz, and Eyb-Green, ‘Kammavacas: Lacquered and Gilt Manuscripts’, 19–20.57 Nief, Baatz, and Eyb-Green, ‘Kammavacas: Lacquered and Gilt Manuscripts’, 25.58 Dr P. Perumal, ‘Conservation of Palm Leaf Manuscripts’, Sarasvati Mahal Library, Thanjavur, August 2018, presentation slides: http://www.iiap.res.in/archives/pdfs/Perumal.pdf (accessed 8 January 2023).59 Suryawanshi, Nair, and Sinha, ‘Improving the Flexibility of Palm Leaf’, 43.60 Ghosh, Mahajan, and Banerjee, ‘Palm Leaf Manuscript Conservation’, 126.61 Rachman, ‘Palm Leaf Manuscripts from Royal Surakarta’, 238.62 Sah, ‘Palm Leaf Manuscripts of The World’, 20.63 Jacobs, ‘Workshop Notes’, 29.64 Rachman, ‘Palm Leaf Manuscripts from Royal Surakarta’, 240.65 van Dyke, ‘Sacred Leaves’, 92.66 Agrawal, Conservation of Manuscripts, 59.67 Jana Igunma, ‘The Beauty of Palm Leaf Manuscripts (2): Northern Thai, Lao and Shan Traditions’, 23 January 2015, https://britishlibrary.typepad.co.uk/asian-and-african/2015/01/the-beauty-of-palm-leaf-manuscripts-2-northern-thai-lao-and-shan-traditions.html (accessed June 2020).68 Igunma, ‘The Beauty of Palm Leaf Manuscripts (3)’.69 Igunma, ‘The Beauty of Palm Leaf Manuscripts (3)’.70 Igunma, ‘The Beauty of Palm Leaf Manuscripts (3)’.71 Takagi, Chudo, and Maeda, ‘Conservation and Digitisation of Rolled Palm Leaf Manuscripts’.72 Nief, Baatz, and Eyb-Green, ‘Kammavacas: Lacquered and Gilt Manuscripts’, 25.73 From email conversations with Joanna Kosek, Head of Pictorial Art Conservation at the British Museum in June 2020.74 Gretchen Allen, ‘Boxing Clever, Round 1: Thinking Inside the Box’, Cambridge Library Special Collections, blog post, January 2017, https://specialcollections-blog.lib.cam.ac.uk/?p=13788 (accessed March 2021).75 van Dyke, ‘Sacred Leaves’, 93.76 Rachman, ‘Palm Leaf Manuscripts from Royal Surakarta’, 240.77 Eve Menei, ‘Conservation of a Palm Leaf Manuscript’, Preprints of the IADA International Symposium, May 2017, Oslo: 65.78 Catarina Figueirinhas, Ashleigh Schieszer, and Chris Voynovich, ‘Nineteenth Century Buddhist Religious Treatise’, University of Cincinnati Library Preservation Lab, blog post, posted by Holly Prochaska, November 2016, https://blog.thepreservationlab.org/tag/palm-leaf (accessed 8 January 2023).79 Jacobs, ‘Workshop Notes’, 26–7.80 Piyapat Jarusawat, Andrew Cox, and Jo Bates, ‘Community Participation in the Management of Palm Leaf Manuscripts as Lanna Cultural Material in Thailand’, Journal of Documentation 74, no. 5 (September 2018): 952.81 Jarusawat, Cox, and Bates, ‘Community Participation in the Management of Palm Leaf Manuscripts’, 952–5.82 Melodie Doumy et al., ‘Illuminated Buddhist Manuscripts—Manuscript Art from Southeast Asia’, Discovering Sacred Texts Article, November 2019, https://www.bl.uk/sacred-texts/articles/illuminated-buddhist-manuscripts (accessed February 2021).83 Jarusawat, Cox, and Bates, ‘Community Participation in the Management of Palm Leaf Manuscripts’, 957.84 Jarusawat, Cox, and Bates, ‘Community Participation in the Management of Palm Leaf Manuscripts’, 952.85 Doumy et al., ‘Illuminated Buddhist Manuscripts’.86 Jarusawat, Cox, and Bates, ‘Community Participation in the Management of Palm Leaf Manuscripts’, 959.87 Jarusawat, Cox, and Bates, ‘Community Participation in the Management of Palm Leaf Manuscripts’, 960.88 Paul Dundas, Umakant Premanand Shah, and G. Ralph Strohl, ‘Jainism’, Encyclopedia Britannica, 10 February 2021, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Jainism (accessed October 2021).89 Jarusawat, Cox, and Bates, ‘Community Participation in the Management of Palm Leaf Manuscripts’, 952–3.90 Jarusawat, Cox, and Bates, ‘Community Participation in the Management of Palm Leaf Manuscripts’, 957.91 Jarusawat, Cox, and Bates, ‘Community Participation in the Management of Palm Leaf Manuscripts’, 960.92 Jana Igunma, ‘The Beauty of Palm Leaf Manuscripts (1): Central Thailand’, 20 November 2014, https://britishlibrary.typepad.co.uk/asian-and-african/2014/11/the-beauty-of-palm-leaf-manuscripts-1-central-thailand.html (accessed June 2020).93 Igunma, ‘The Beauty of Palm Leaf Manuscripts (3)’.94 Jarusawat, Cox, and Bates, ‘Community Participation in the Management of Palm Leaf Manuscripts’, 961–2.95 Supporting documentation for A Literature Review of Palm Leaf Manuscript Conservation: Parts 1 and 2: https://doi.org/10.23636/8hbd-xj49 (accessed 16 December 2022).
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