Genetically encoded fluorescent metal ion sensors are powerful tools for elucidating metal dynamics in living systems. Over the last 25 years since the first examples of genetically encoded fluorescent protein-based calcium indicators, this toolbox of probes has expanded to include other essential and non-essential metal ions. Collectively, these tools have illuminated fundamental aspects of metal homeostasis and trafficking that are crucial to fields ranging from neurobiology to human nutrition. Despite these advances, much of the application of metal ion sensors remains limited to mammalian cells and tissues and a limited number of essential metals. Applications beyond mammalian systems and in vivo applications in living organisms have primarily used genetically encoded calcium ion sensors. The aim of this Perspective is to provide, with the support of historical and recent literature, an updated and critical view of the design and use of fluorescent protein-based sensors for detecting essential metal ions in various organisms. We highlight the historical progress and achievements with calcium sensors and discuss more recent advances and opportunities for the detection of other essential metal ions. We also discuss outstanding challenges in the field and directions for future studies, including detecting a wider variety of metal ions, developing and implementing a broader spectral range of sensors for multiplexing experiments, and applying sensors to a wider range of single- and multi-species biological systems.