Abstract All‐Van der Waals (vdW)‐material‐based heterostructures with atomically sharp interfaces offer a versatile platform for high‐performing spintronic functionalities at room temperature. One of the key components is vdW topological insulators (TIs), which can produce a strong spin‐orbit‐torque (SOT) through the spin‐momentum locking of their topological surface state (TSS). However, the relatively low conductance of the TSS introduces a current leakage problem through the bulk states of the TI or the adjacent ferromagnetic metal layers, reducing the interfacial charge‐to‐spin conversion efficiency ( q ICS ). Here, a vdW heterostructure is used consisting of atomically‐thin layers of a bulk‐insulating TI Sn‐doped Bi 1.1 Sb 0.9 Te 2 S 1 and a room‐temperature ferromagnet Fe 3 GaTe 2, to enhance the relative current ratio on the TSS up to ≈20%. The resulting q ICS reaches ≈1.65 nm −1 and the critical current density J c ≈0.9 × 10 6 Acm −2 at 300 K, surpassing the performance of TI‐based and heavy‐metal‐based SOT devices. These findings demonstrate that an all‐vdW heterostructure with thickness optimization offers a promising platform for efficient current‐controlled magnetization switching at room temperature.