Dynamics of Benthic Nitrate Reduction Pathways and Associated Microbial Communities Responding to the Development of Seasonal Deoxygenation in a Coastal Mariculture Zone
Intensive mariculture activities result in eutrophication and enhance coastal deoxygenation. Deoxygenation profoundly influences nitrate reduction processes and further the fate of nitrogen (N) in coastal systems. Herein, 15N isotope labeling, real-time PCR, and high-throughput sequencing techniques were jointly used to investigate the participation and seasonal dynamics of sediment nitrate reduction pathways and the succession of functional microbial communities during the development of seasonal deoxygenation in a coastal aquaculture zone. Denitrification dominated benthic nitrate reduction (46.26-80.91%). Both denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium were significantly enhanced by summer deoxygenation (dissolved oxygen levels fell to 2.94 ± 0.28 mg L-1), while anammox remained unchanged. The abundance of the nitrous oxide reductase gene nosZ increased during deoxygenation. The community of the nosZ gene was sensitive to deoxygenation, with Azospirillum and Ruegeria accounting for the majority. Pelobacter was overwhelming in the nrfA gene (encoding dissimilatory nitrite reductase) community, which was less affected by deoxygenation. The variations of benthic nitrate reduction processes were driven by bottom water oxygen combined with temperature, chlorophyll a, and microbial gene abundances and community compositions. Our results implicated that seasonal oxygen-deficient zones could be substantial N sinks of coastal ecosystems and important for N balance. Effective management measures need to be developed to avoid further exacerbation of coastal deoxygenation and maintain the sustainable development of mariculture.