[Sub-health status of the young and middle-aged populations and the relationships among sub-health, sleepness and personality in Hubei province, China].
:Objective To investigatethe epidemiological condition of the sub-health status of the young and middle-agedpersons in urban and rural areas of Hubei province, and to explore the relationships amongpersonality, quality of sleep and sub-health status. Methods Purposive sampling method andPersonal Health Status Questionnaire developed by Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences wereused to investigate the sub-healthy status of 3187 subjects aged 18-55 and evaluate therelationships among sub-health status, personality and the quality of sleep withstructural equation model. Results Gender, education, marriage, age and occupation werefactors influencing the status of sub-health. Among all of the subjects, sub-health statusof females were more serious than that of males (P<0.0001 of all). The divorced,separated and widowed ones were more likely to experience sub-health than other status ofmarriage (P= 0.0006, P=0.0102). The sub-health status of the subjects aged 30-55 in theurban (P=0.0197)and low-literacy residents in rural (P=0.0003)were among the worst. Thecondition of the sub-health in migrant workers and professional were worse compared toother occupational groups (P=0.0043). Structural equation model analysis revealed thatsub-health status associated with the quality of sleep and the type of characteristics (P<0.01 ). Conclusion Sub-healthstatus did exist among the young and middle-aged persons and was influenced by the qualityof sleep and personality. However, it could be adjusted by improving the quality of sleepand personality to prevent sub-health.
Key words:
Sub-health; Sleep quality; Personality; Young and middle-agedpersons